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Krótki wizualny tutorial, jak zamówić sample w sklepie
1. Kliknij przycisk dodaj do koszyka.
2. Wyświetli się okno, w którym możesz wybrać, czy przejść do płatności, czy kontynuować zakupy.
3. Jeśli nie jesteś zalogowany, zostaniesz poproszony o logowanie, lub możesz założyć nowe, darmowe konto.
4. Wypełnij wszystkie pola opatrzone znakiem *
5. Tój adres potrzebny jest z powodów prawnych - żeby przyznać Ci licencję użytkowania sampli, lub do dostawy CD/DVD (jeśli wybierzesz odpowiednią opcję).
6. Tu możesz zarządzać swoimi adresami - możesz np ustawić inny adres dostawy i inny adres, który będzie figurował na rachunku.
7. Tu możesz wybrac, czy wolisz pobrać sample ze strony, czy mamy je wysłac na płycie. W przypadku wybranie drugiej opcji, będzie również możliwość pobrania plików.
9. Sprawdź, czy wszystko się zgadza przed ostatecznym potwierdzeniem zamówienia.
10. Jeśli widzisz ta wiadomość, to proces zakupów zakończył się sukcesem. Jak tylko system odnotuje dokonanie płatności, otrzymasz linki do pobierania.
Written guide
First step at lucidsamples.com you should consider to registering new user account, it's free, quick process which will allow you to download free sample packs in mare minutes.
- Setting an account is really fast and intuitive.
- It's completely free of charge and gives other benefits like getting free sample packs.
- Allows you to contact our specialists for advice concerning DJ samples and digital audio workstations.
- Possibility to communicate with other music producers and take part in our blog community
- Free vouchers which will further discount your orders by a great sum.
- Commenting on products, helping our quality music production tools become even better.
- Getting info in the first place on new products, free samples and vouchers available.
- Our website is spam and malware free.
- Next it's time to browse for sample packs, music production tools you are interested in. There are couple of way of doing that since we have many categories.
- You can pick up one of vast category options which will help you in navigating what DJ samples you might be interested in the categories are:
- Styles: helps you while you want to browse by music genres, currently we expanded the selection so we have the most popular and underground genres as well.
- Types: here you find mixtools which differ by role in music making, if you need bass section for a track you have drum samples and loops at your disposal, if you need help with composition try construction kits and have a look at multi samples which are very underrated now.
- Formats: browse through our samples by the software you use for music production, we have all the popular DAW included in this category.
- After picking the sample packs you've been interested in add them to cart and proceed to check out.
- If you have a voucher, type it in the box. In other case click 'Proceed to Checkout'.
- Next you can see your address, also you have the opportunity to send us regards or simply message about the order, click on 'Next' button.
- Tick the box to accept the Terms of Service and proceed to next stage.
- Select your preferred payment method and wait for the confirmation or the order, you can monitor the progress in 'My orders' tab.
- If the order is confirmed click the 'Download' button, your samples are ready to be used in your DAW, current project and many more.
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