DJ Habits / Music Producer / What should you stop doing right now !

DJ Habits, this type of problem will be attached to anyone who is learning full on his own, without any kind of school, or expertise level got from professionals....

The Art of Intro and Outro in Music Production

Every good music producer or a professional songwriter with extra experience will tell you the truth, a good song must have a really steady start and mind blowing ending...
DJ feedback

DJ Feedback | How to ask for help what should you Avoid!

DJ Feedback | Introduction We live in times when DJ communities are huge factor when it comes to giving DJ feedback. Younger performers try to emulate and learn from the...

Rocking Them Mixtapes: Modern DJ's still need them!

Modern world DJ'ing require constant changes, new techniques are applied to DJ community, in order to produce/spawn new ideas for mixes and performances, this clearly brings dawn to old...

EDM Electronic Music Enchances Your Brain Cognitive Functions.

Found out a great article by Lizzie Renck on how EDM enchances our brain. Music always had somewhat an impact on how we do feel, behave and more. But...

Astonishing 3 pieces of advice for DJ's who aspire to get big!

Hello fellow DJ's, producers and performers! Today I would like to come with simple advices which in many cases are forgotten and these are easy but important factors when...

Finding out when to play your tracks and mixes live.

"A good DJ is always looking at the crowd" The perfect time to come up with mix and track playing pattern is shortly after you've learn how to beat match...

DJ Equipment Basic Guide for Beginners

We're here today to bring up some basic advice for beginning DJ's, we will discuss basic equipment, some techniques, and picking suitable pieces of tech to start your ultimate... partners with Lucid Samples, New Quality is born.

We are proud to inform our readers and fans, that Lucid Samples officialy is taking part in cooperation with Blend is an amazing platform for music producers and DJ's...

Basic Mashup Tips For Beginners The First Steps!

Since mashup culture became prominent in the last years, many young DJ's and producers are interested in the subject and not just because it is extremely popular, but it...




Music producer collaborat in studio

Music Producer Collaboration in 2024: An In-Depth Guide

Music producer collaboration is an important tool in both musicianship and audience growth. In general, it’s the process of working on a musical project...
How to become EDM DJ

How to Become an EDM DJ: The Ultimate Guide and Blueprint to Start...

The Speakers roaring with booming bass and scintillating synths. Strobes flashing wildly in unison with the rhythm. Arms raised to the sky as thousands...
Sample packs in ableton

What is a Sample Pack? Definition and Complete Guide

Sample pack is a collection of audio samples and loops that music producers can use in their own productions. Producers commonly load these sounds...